
by Taobao



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【軟件介紹】手机淘宝(Android版)是阿里巴巴专为Android手机用户推出的满足其生活消费和线上购物需求的软件,具有查看附近的生活优惠信息,商品搜索,浏览,购买,支付,收藏,物流查询,旺旺沟通等在线功能,成为了用户方便快捷的生活消费入口。[Software introduction]Mobile Taobao (Android version) is a software designed by Alibaba specifically for Android phone users to meet their daily consumption and online shopping needs. It has the ability to view nearby life discount information, product search, browse, purchase, payment, collection, logistics query, Online functions such as Want Want Communication have become a convenient and fast entrance to life consumption for users.